Pure Journey

The Pure Journey album was the second coolaboration with Peter Coyle. Whereas G-Metrix was mostly instrumental, this album was to be more traditional in its format which allowed Peter to shine as the great lyricist and singer that he is.

Peter was in Edinburgh at the time and I had just finished building a private studio for my music projects in the basement of the old house in which I was living. I began by composing pieces of music and then sent them to him on CD. He would listen to them, respond lyrically and then we would speak on the phone about the project. We agreed to schedule some days to record together over the Christmas period of '95.

The sessions were fantastic and memorable and Peters lyrics blew me away when I finally heard him perform them, in particular the song 'Help Me Out.' The Elate vocalists provided backing and the whole thing was completed in a few days.

The album was subsequently offered a release by OMD's Paul Humphries independent label project and I spent several additional days retouching and mastering the three lead singles at 'The Windings,' a beautiful residential studio in North Wales. These were 'Daydreaming,' 'Love Outside of Love' and 'Love Satellite.'

Unfortunately the label went bankrupt before we could release the album and it was shelved on digital tape, until now...

Here is the complete album, only available to listen to here. Enjoy!

Pure Journey 'Simple Harmonic Motion' Album

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