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Elate - 'Somebody Like You' ('97 Remix)


Written by: ℗ Stevenson/Harry - Copyright Control | ©1997 V.C./Virgin Records | Produced by Stev & Danny Hibrid

1997 - Having signed this track (see the original '94 version for more info) to VC/Virgin records in December '96, they wanted, as usual, a new updated version to release as a single. I needed a new angle but was too overly familiar with the track, so my first thought to bring in some new energy was of course Danny Hibrid, once again. We played about with the original track at my home studio in January '97 and then went to The Windings in North Wales to record the new mix. We had actually created two versions of the song with slightly different choruses and couldn't decide which one to go for, so we decided to leave it up to the label to decide. We mixed the track at Battery Studios in London and it was released that summer, where it went on to be a UK Top 40 track.

Watch the Music Video

'Live at Party In The Park' - Camcorder 1997




