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Pure Journey - 'Daydreaming' ('V.S.O.P. Club Mix - Studio Jam')


Written by: ℗ Stevenson/Coyle - Copyright Control | ©1996 Stev/P.Coyle | Produced & Remixed by Stev

1996 - After completion of the 'Pure Journey' album with Peter Coyle, I decided to remix the original track on the last day of mixing at The Windings studio in North Wales. The Pure Journey album is amazing, one that both Peter and I are very proud of. The problem, however, is that there are original pieces of music interwoven with lots of micro-samples that would be a music lawyer's nightmare in today's suing-each-other climate! It's such a pity. I can only hope that, one day, a label that can deal with it allows the album to see the light of day. The music in this version is totally original and written by me. The lyrics were written by Peter Coyle and the vocals are performed by legendary Liverpool Blues singer, Connie Lush. You can hear the Pure Journey album exclusively here in the discography section






