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Elate - 'Stand Together' (Studio Jam)


Written by: ℗ Stevenson/Sellers/Coyle - Copyright Control | ©1997 Stev/D.Sellers/P.Coyle | Produced by Stev

1997 – This was a track that had been lying around unfinished for a few years, as we were never happy with the verse vocals. Peter Coyle came along with some new verses, written as a duet for both Denise and David, and, freshly inspired, we decided to record the track at the Windings Studio (were we had recorded the recent 'Somebody Like You' remix). Once again, this track features Gina Tetteh and Jenessa Qua on backing vocals. The string arrangements were done by Moon Rivers and the electric guitar parts are performed by Frank Minghella.




