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Stev feat Mark Curtis - 'The Key To My Dreams' ('Studio Jam')


Written by: ℗ Stevenson - Copyright Control | ©1991 Stev | Produced by Stev

1991 - I had been introduced to this young lad from the Speke area of Liverpool, whose strong Liverpool accent gave no clue as to his singing prowess. We were sitting in my living room talking and I had no idea what to make of him as a singer, judging by his normal speaking voice. At some point, I remember asking him if I could hear him sing and he just stood up, opened his mouth, and blew me away! My first thought was Malcolm McDonald from the Doobie Brothers! I had a song I'd been playing with and asked if he would like to sing it. We spent a day in the studio with this 'studio jam' and this was the result. He has an amazing voice.






